Discounts, Vouchers and Promotions
- Do I need to pre-book online in advance with my promotional voucher?
- Do I receive a discount when booking online?
- Do you offer family tickets online?
- Is my Promotional Voucher valid?
- How do I book my corporate tickets for Alton Towers Resort?
- Can I book with my Blue Light Card?
- Do you offer a discount for pregnant women, or those that do not wish to use the rides?
- How do I book my student tickets for Alton Towers Resort?
- I have a Radnor Splash Voucher, how do I pre-book?
- Can I redeem my Sainsbury's Nectar Points at Alton Towers Resort?
- Can I use my High Street vouchers at Alton Towers Resort?
- How do I redeem my Tesco Clubcard Points at Alton Towers Resort?
- I have Sun Superdays tickets, do I need to pre-book a further reservation ticket/s?
- I have a Carex 50% off entry voucher, how do I pre-book?
- I have a Kellogg’s cereal pack, how do I pre-book my ticket?
- I have a Kellogg’s snack pack voucher (e.g Fruit Winders, Rice Krispie Squares), how do I pre-book my ticket?
- I have a Cadbury 'Big Ticket Saving' voucher do I need to pre-book?
- I have a promotional voucher not listed on the website, do I need to pre-book?