You can collect your child under 90cm and essential companion* ticket on the day, please be assured we have a reserved allocation for under 90cm and essential companion tickets. Head straight to the turnstiles on the day of your visit and the team will assist!
*1 free essential companion ticket is issued per guest with additional needs on production of relevant documentation at the Ticket Sales and Collection Kiosk. Please see the below list of accepted documentation.
Accepted Documentation for Carers Tickets
- Entitlement to Disability Living Allowance for children under 16 or DLA/Personal Independent Payments (PIP) for those aged 16-64, either in the form of a letter stating that the benefit has been awarded, or the actual Allowance book.
- Attendance Allowance or Essential Companion's Allowance letter of award.
- Incapacity Benefit books, or a letter notifying the recipient that the benefit has been awarded Incapacity Benefit, Employment Support Allowance (ESA). Disability Student's Allowance (DSA) or DID card (UK Disabled ID Card)
- A valid Blue Badge.
- In the case of visual impairment, a registration card known as the BD8 or a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI).
- Credibility’s Access Card with the Essential Companion/companion symbol.