Guests with Additional Needs
- How can I cancel my Ride Access Pass Pre-Booking / Reservation
- Do you have an accessibility guide?
- What documentation do you require for an essential companion ticket?
- Ride Access Pass (RAP) is unavailable for the date of my visit, what should I do?
- How do I prebook my Ride Access Pass for the 'Run Alton Towers' event?
- Do you offer a Prayer Room?
- I find it difficult to be in a crowded situation, do you offer a quiet zone?
- Is there a quiet hour in any of your attractions?
- Can you store medication?
- Ride Accessibility for guests with a visual impairment
- Ride Accessibility for guests with a hearing impairment
- Can I bring an essential companion with me if I have a visual or hearing impairment?
- Can I bring my assistance dog with me?
- Which attractions have photos with flash, flashing lights or lighting effects?
- How do I access the rides if I have reduced mobility?
- Where is the First Aid located?
- Where is Guest Services located?
- Where can I find your accessible toilets?
- Do your accessible toilets require a RADAR key?
- Where can I hire a RADAR key?
- Is the Resort easy to navigate if I have reduced mobility?
- What are the Ride Safety Restrictions?
- Can I access rides with a cast or walking boot?
- Can I access rides with an amputation or a prosthetic?
- How does the Ride Access Pass work?
- How do I enter Alton Towers Resort as a wheelchair user?
- What is the Ride Access Pass?
- How do I apply for the Ride Access Pass?
- Can I hire a wheelchair from Alton Towers Resort?
- Can I book my tickets online for Alton Towers Resort if I require an essential companion ticket?